报 告 人:Dragana Cvetkovic-Ilic 教授
工作单位:University of Nis
报告人简介:Dragana Cvetkovic-Ilic,女,塞尔维亚尼什大学教授、博士生导师,2004年获得尼什大学博士学位,2010年获尼什大学终身教授,主要研究方向是算子广义逆理论及其应用。在Linear. Algebra. Appl.,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,Linear Multilinear Algebra,J. Austra. Math. Soc.,Acta Math. Sci.,Appl. Math. Comput.,J. Oper. Theory等杂志上发表高质量论文80余篇,2014年获得塞尔维亚数学会颁发的数学科学成就奖,现兼任Facta Universitatis, Filomat和Annals of Functional Analysis的编委和Acta Mathematica Hungarica, Mat. Vesnik, Publ. Inst. Math. Beograd, Filomat, J. Austra. Math. Soc.等多个高质量杂志的审稿人。现受聘为湖北师范大学“磁湖学者”讲座教授。
报告简介:In this paper,we shall examine an additive problem of existence and presentation of (a+b)d in terms of D-invertible ring elements a and b and their Drazin inverses and we shall study the existence of the Drazin inverse of a two by two matrix with zero (2, 2)entry. We partly solved a problem posed by Patrício and Hartwig.