报 告 人:楼森岳 教授
The well known BKP hierarchy and the dispersionless BKP (dBKP) hierarchy are rewritten via mastersymmetry approach for their potential forms. For the potential BKP hierarchy, a decomposition conjecture is proposed: there are some different types of decomposition solutions including three types of different KdV and high order KdV decompositions for every order potential BKP equations. The decomposition conjecture is proved for the fifth, seventh and ninth order BKP equations. There are three types of special linear superpositions for every equation of the BKP hierarchy. For the potental dBKP hierarchy, the similar decomposition and linear superposition phenomena are also studied. The possible superposition ways increase rapidly as the order of the dBKP equation arises. The decomposition and linear superposition phenomena may be found for other nonlinear systems such as the second and general heavenly equations.