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  • 职称 :教授
  • 邮箱 :yangyunyun@hfut.edu.cn
  • 职务 :研究员
  • 所属系 :数学系
  • 主讲课程 :高等数学,线性代数,微分几何,数学分析选讲,研究生复分析

杨蕴韫,研究员、黄山青年学者特聘教授。入选安徽省高层次人才计划。美国路易斯安纳州立大学博士,美国贝勒大学博后。2016年在美国西弗吉尼亚大学理工学院任助理教授(tenure-track assistant professor)。 2018年任教华体会(中国)-华体会(中国)。 在国际知名期刊《Physics A》、《Mathematical Analysis and Applications》、《Analysis and Applications》、《Asymptotic Analysis》、《Applicable Analysis》等发表论文10余篇,美国数学会《数学评论》评论员及多个期刊审稿人。

主要研究领域: 泛函分析,广义函数,数学物理



安徽省外专项目, Factorization Theorems, Lie Groups and Generalized Functions,2021-2023, 45万元,主持。

美国国家自然科学基金,数学物理,NSF Grant 0968448,量子真空能量研究, 2010/08-2014/08,216,847.00美元,参与,已结题,


1. Yang, Y. Distributions in $\mathbb{R}^3$ with a thick Curve, J. Math. Anal. Volume 512, Issue 2 (2022)

2. Estrada, R. Vindas, J and Yang, Y. The Fourier transform of thick distributions, Analysis and Applications, 19 (4), 621-646 (2021)

3. Yang, Y. Reconstruction of the one-dimensional thick distribution theory, J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol 488, Issue 1, 2020.DOI:10.1016/j.jmaa.2020.124034

4. Fulling, S. and Yang, Y., Some Subtleties in the Relationships among Heat Kernel Invariants, Eigenvalue Distributions, and Quantum Vacuum Energy, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol 48, No.4, 2015.

5. Yang, Y. and Estrada, R., Asymptotic expansions of thick distributions, Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 95, no. 1-2, pp. 1-19, 2015.

6. Yang, Y. and Estrada, R., Application of the thick distributional calculus, Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics (2014).

7. Yang, Y. and Estrada, R., Distributions in spaces with thick points, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 401 No.2, 821-835 (2013).

8. Yang, Y. and Estrada, R., Regularization using different surfaces and the second order derivatives of 1/r, Appl. Anal., 92(2):246-258, 2013.

9. Yang, Y. and Estrada, R., The dual of the space of regulated functions in several variables, Sarajevo J. Math., Vol. 9 (22) (2013), 1-20.

10. Yang, Y. and Estrada, R., Extension of Frahm formulas for $\partial i\partial j(1/r)$, Indian J. Math., Vol. 55, No. 2, 2013, 237-245 (2013)

11. Yang, Y. A New Method in Distribution Theory with a Non-smooth Framework, Dissertation, Louisiana State University, 2015.